In this case, we expect a high degree of similarity between the preprint and author’s submitted manuscript. It is entirely possible (and acceptable) for an author to submit an article to a journal even though they’ve previously made the article available as a preprint. It’s important that you don’t set a Similarity Score over which you automatically reject manuscripts - where there’s a high degree of overlap, your editors and reviewers should decide if the match is acceptable or not, as part of their general review process. If the author(s) are the same, this is not a problem. A high degree of overlap may also be present where an author has already shared their work on a preprint repository. A high degree of overlap may indicate a well-researched document with many references to existing work, and as long as these sources are quoted and referenced correctly, this is perfectly acceptable. It’s perfectly natural for a submission to match against some sources in the database. This doesn’t automatically mean plagiarism, however - just similarity. Where a section of the submission’s content is similar or identical to one or more sources, it will be flagged for review. IThenticate does not check for plagiarism it checks for similarity. Learn more about exclusion settings when setting up a new folder (v1 only), editing filters and exclusions in existing folders (v1 only), filters and exclusions within the Similarity Report ( v1 or v2), and URL filters ( v1 or v2) for account administrators. If you apply exclusion options to the document, the system removes all matches for the exclusion option logic and recalculates the Similarity Score percentage. The system takes the number of matching words found within the document and divides it by the document’s total word count to produce the Similarity Score percentage for the report. To calculate the Similarity Score, iThenticate scans your submitted document’s text, and checks it against each of the repositories you’ve chosen.

The below information will help you understand how to interpret your Similarity Report, whether you’re using iThenticate v1 or v2.